5th Transnational Project Meeting & MSE in Zagreb, Croatia 2-3 December 2022 Here we are, the project is coming to its end, next 31st of December 2022. Two years, the first with pandemic, the second one full of practical activities and in person meetings. All partners met in Zagreb for the 5th TPM for two days dedicated to the project and its results. The first day we were invited to the City of Zagreb Office for Education: all partners presented their results and then we discussed about the implementation of the activities highlighting strengths and weaknesses. The second day we were invited to the Elementary School “Rudeš” for the second part of our meeting and then we took part to the Multiplier Sport Event organized by the City of Zagreb. Official speeches, presentation of the project, tournaments, sitting and Paralympic Volley, sport activities for the elders, winner announcement and collective photos: all the ingredients for a successful and inclusive sport event. Sport, volunteerism, inclusion: through W4CS4S we have approached these very crucial topics. Best practices, Educational Modules, MSE and workshops, to translate theory into practice. We still have a long way to go to inclusion, but educating volunteers and sport event organizers in organizing inclusive sport events seems one of the best way to reach the goal.
The intelligent way to be selfish is to work for the welfare of others
⎯ The Dalai Lama